Monday, 9 December 2013


Developing a narrative: I go to visit a family member in a cemetery and i encounter strange goings 


Vladimir propp had a theory about character profile , he believes that there is seven characters in the 100 tales he analysed
1, the villain
2, the donor
3, the helper
4, the princess
5, the false hero
6, the dispatcher
7, the hero.

Binery opposites
In critical theory, a binary opposition (also binary system) is a pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning. Binary opposition is the system by which, in language and thought, two theoretical opposites are strictly defined and set off against one another.[1] It is the contrast between two mutually exclusive terms, such as on and off, up and down, left and right.[2] Binary opposition is an important concept of structuralism, which sees such distinctions as fundamental to all language and thought.[2] In structuralism, a binary opposition is seen as a fundamental organizer of human philosophy, culture, and language.

Binary opposition originated in Saussurean structuralist theory.[3] According to Ferdinand de Saussure, the binary opposition is the means by which the units of language have value or meaning; each unit is defined in reciprocal determination with another term, as in binary code. It is not a contradictory relation but, a structural, complementary one.[3] Saussure demonstrated that a sign's meaning is derived from its context (syntagmatic dimension) and the group (paradigm) to which it belongs.[4] An example of this is that one cannot conceive of 'good' if we do not understand 'evil'.[5] In post-structuralism, it is seen as one of several influential characteristics or tendencies of Western and Western-derived thought,[citation needed] and that typically, one of the two opposites assumes a role of dominance over the other. The categorization of binary oppositions is "often value-laden and ethnocentric", with an illusory order and superficial meaning.[6] Furthermore, Pieter Fourie discovers that binary oppositions have a deeper or second level of binaries that help to reinforce meaning, for example : Hero and Villain involve secondary binaries: good/bad, handsome/ugly, liked/disliked, and so on.

Production Schedule

October 21st 2013- We Started ideas for my film opening at this point i was working in a group and we struggled to produce a concrete idea - 

October 24th 2013-  we had an idea but unfortunately we still could not decide what our film opening was gonna be about and we could not come up with a name for our film opening idea Title for film opening ideas-

October 28th 2013- Pre-Production Planning- we were now in the process of getting locations for our film opening, but we needed to discover who was doing each task in creating the film opening.

November 7th  2013-  we had to get help in developing the story-line for our film opening Developed a narrative

November 11th 2013- by this point we were well behind schedule, we were still discussing what our first idea,but really we should have been working on a second idea.

january 14th 2014- Idecided to start working on my own due to the lack of progress and difference in opinion about what we should film for our film opening

January  20th   2014- i had to found some actors to help me with my film opening idea.

january 25th 2014- I had made significant progress and i had finished filming my opening. now i was now getting ready to start editing 

february 4th   2014- i had finished my film opening and starting editing but unfortunately, the shots for the film wasnt good enough so i decided to re film some of my clips to improve the quality of my work 

february 11th 2014-  i decided to work by myself so i filmed my original idea

may 13th 2014- i finished filming my final idea, and i also finished editing my film opening.

Film opening production evaluation

I originally planned to work in a group however due to disagreements in ideas for the film opening and the lack of work at the time was also a major issue as i wanted to finish my production quickly
I came up with the idea for my own film opening, however my idea needed developing and I got help from other colleagues. But I constructed how I wanted the scenes to be and I also filmed the establishing shot of my opening and I am editing the whole film opening myself so I am contributing to a lot of the planning and production of the opening scene.   

My original ideas

My original idea was that i woould be in school, i get bullied by these two boys in my year and i ended up getting chased and torrorised around the school by these two bullies, the bullies put on masks to make me scared and as a result I decide I want to get revenge on the two boys.

I then had nother idea which was that there would be a Stalker and no one would believe that there was a Stalker and they would eventually encounter this Stalker but it would be too late as this mysterious staalker ends up killing victims.